Friday, March 24, 2006

analysis article

In what looks like it will be a continuing attempt to more widely dissiminate articles which contain analysis not often seen in mainstream US media, here is an article in the London Review of Books by John Mearsheimer and Stephen Walt. They are political science professors of international relations in the "realist" tradition, which interprets the actions of nations through the lens of self-interest, discounting moral or cooperative influences. Readers here may recall that Mearsheimer's book The Tragedy of Great Power Politics has had a great influence on me.

The Israel Lobby by John Mearscheimer and Stephen Walt in the London Review of Books.

This is based on a longer report, links to which are at the bottom of what is already a rather lengthy article. A summary of the summary can be found here.


Anonymous said...

Now THIS is lazy blogging . . . what does your hero say?! Speak up now! :)

pahoehoe said...

Perhaps you'd care to read the article yourself, as I did, o lazy reader. After that, you might have something interesting to say on the topic.

One thought though: Although the movie Syriana was very interesting in covering territory that is off limits to most American movies, this article makes it pretty clear that the gaping hole in the movie is US support for Israel.