Wednesday, May 04, 2005


The apartment move-out went less smoothly than I expected because I forgot (?) about having to leave the apartment clean, something which I had done only sporadically while I lived there. The gf and I spent some late hours getting things as clean as we could in the time allotted. Granted, we did technically have more time, but we also really wanted to go on a camping trip in the Pinnacles organized by a friend. I haven't heard anything about how much of my rather large cleaning deposit I'm getting back.

The Pinnacles trip was fantastic. The peaks and gullies and caverns are awe-inspiring, and the late spring rains produced a profusion of wildflowers. At night, we had yummy meals with good wine around the campfire. The showers at the campground were great. What more could one ask?

All my crap, now jammed everywhere into the place in North Beach, is slowly being put into some semblance of order, although this will take a weekend or two of collaborative effort by the two of us. For myself, plenty of work and some play needs to be done before I head to Eritrea in six weeks.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What newsy-news. I like how *succinct* it is, with just a hint of the action to come.... :O