Thursday, March 10, 2005

Springtime Amanitas

This last week I've found three species of Amanitas, two new to me. Last Saturday, on the Berkeley campus, I found what I think was a single A. velosa. Since there was only one, and it looked plausibly like the deadly A. phalloides, I didn't eat it. Then Sunday, around Lake Merritt, there was a cluster of A. novinupta coming up. Took one home to ID, and, since it's not rated highly, I didn't eat it either. Then, Wednesday, while I was walking in downtown Oakland, I was nearly overrun by a rather abundant fruiting of A. pantherina, some really beautiful mushrooms. Maybe I will eat those one day if I'm feeling overly curious and masochistic. Amanitas everywhere, but not a bite to eat.

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