Friday, November 12, 2010

Democratic Death Wish

Jane Hamsher and Atrios comment on attempts to make a free trade pact with Korea
and the "budget balancing" (linked by JH) proposals, respectively.

opposing NAFTA-style trade agreements and defending Social Security were the two strongest issues Democrats had in 2010

The Korea FTA text contains the extreme investor rights that promote offshoring; the private enforcement of those rights that had led to serial attacks on domestic environmental, health, and other safeguards; a ban on Buy America; limits on financial service regulation ( recall, this is a 2007 pre-crisis text with all of the crazy extreme dereg language of past Bush FTAs) and more of the most damaging NAFTA-style provisions Obama promised to fix.

For more context, see this post from Mike Lux about the proposals of the National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform ("Catfood Commission").

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