Well, first: literally. About a month ago, I fell off my bicycle and pretty much all of me landed on my chin. Not a scratch anywhere else. My first thought after hitting the pavement was that I probably broke my jaw. After some kind passers by helped me to the sidewalk and then to a chair at a cafe, I locked up my bike and took a cab to St. Mary's emergency room. There they stitched up the gash in my chin and x-rayed my jaw. Not broken, but very sore for weeks afterwards. The stitches came out after five days and the gash has healed up well, although shaving there is still a little awkward.
The next day, J started day care in the same building where L works. Because I had a follow up appointment with a specialist around noon, I didn't go in to work, and got to hang out with J on his first day, morning and afternoon. He seems to have adjusted well and to like the place. However, he has, as everyone warned us he would, brought us plenty of colds from the other kids. I'm still getting over my second cold in a month. (J fortunately doesn't seem all that bothered by the colds. He gets a runny nose, but still crawls all over and eats well.) Between the accident and the colds, I haven't felt much like riding my bike, and have been taking MUNI a lot. Booooring.
Still, despite how fast the summer is flying by, there are already the stirrings of autumn. The desert beckons (not that I'm going). The fungi whisper that they will soon be fruiting. (The staff at day care have noted to L that J crawls around picking up little bits of stuff from the floor and eating them, as we see him do at home. L informed them that he gets the foraging gene from his father.) If I can just get through the summer of falls and colds...
DUDE!! Ouch! Sorry to hear about that. Hope you are all healed and also over your cold.
Yea, summer is going away soon...good thing we have warm autumns here.
Hugs to J. How great that he is near L. during the day now.
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