For a long time, it puzzled and infuriated me that the president and vice-president would continue to link the war in Iraq to the "War on Terror." After all, none of the 9/11 hijackers were Iraqi, Hussein had no working relationship with Islamicist terrorists threatening the US, etc. - the usual rebuttals. There didn't even seem to be such a thing as the War on Terror (except as a rhetorical tool to bash domestic political "opposition"), just a bunch of separate conflicts only distantly related.
But after reading John Perkins' books Confessions of an Economic Hit Man and Secret History of the American Empire (actually, I'm in the middle of the latter), I think I'm beginning to understand stories like this. A central aim of US foreign policy has been to secure natural resources from other countries as cheaply as possible, using extortion, bribery, covert operations to overthrow or assassinate uncooperative foreign leaders, funding opposition forces, and, as a last resort, sending in US armed forces. These efforts naturally inspire some resistance from people whom we label "terrorists" and whom we fight under the rubric "War on Terror." They all have their own political, cultural and religious contexts and reasons for using terrorism, the tactic of the weak, but to us they're all the same: people who try to stand in the way of our taking their property.
Thus when GWB talks of Iraq as the "central front of the war on terror," he is actually speaking truthfully. The most important resource to control is oil. Iraq is central territory in oil country; if you control Iraq, you can project power throughout the region. Thus, Iraq is the central front of the US battle to maintain control over other people's resources, i.e., the War on Terror.
I wasn't familiar with either of those books, or the author. Truth be told, I've had no psychic energy for politics or news in the past few months. Partly because it's all so depressing and negative when one gets to the bottom of things, as you have here. (More about that at some point on my blog). In fact, your blog and emails are, lately, a major source of news for me lately since I've let the rest of it go.
Thanks for another thoughtful post.
It's worth getting through the depressing parts of SHotAE to get to the last three detailed, optimistic chapters, with lists of resources. Or just read the last chapters. :)
hey, time for a new post? Well, when you feel better maybe...
Okay. (tag) You're it. :)
Oh no....the pressure....
Maybe this weekend.
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