Thursday, January 19, 2006

My Favorite (Bay Area) Coffee Roaster

I stopped by Cole Coffee today and picked up a half pound of their featured "Red Sea Blend" of Yemeni Mocha and Ethiopian Harrar for $5.25. Haven't tried it yet, but it smells great. The cup of Timor Organic I got at the same time was very tasty. Sorry I'm not as developed at describing coffee flavors as I am at wine flavors.

Update: The web site linked to above is printed on the coffee bag, but doesn't seem to work. It's the place on College just off Claremont, across from Safeway, which used to be called Royal Coffee. When I made the Red Sea blend this morning in the drip coffee maker, it was okay, but a little disappointing. While it had the hard earthiness of coffees from East Africa, it lacked the mid-palate body and richness that I like. Then I made a cup as described in the comments here, and it was much better, rich and full, with greater complexity.

1 comment:

robin said...

omg! you linked to me!