Tuesday, October 04, 2005


I don't think there are very many people who read this blog who don't know, but I got married last Sunday. It was a bit of effort getting it together, but altogether it went very well. The weather even cooperated, with the clouds clearing so rays of sun slanted through the redwood grove. Family left yesterday and this morning, and there are a few more tasks to finish up, but it's pretty much done. For those who came, and especially those who helped out in some way, thank you! We had a wonderful time.

A common question was whether or not we were going away somewhere. For those who didn't get to ask us, the answer is "no". After going to Eritrea and Burning Man (which was great this year), we're staying put for a while. Besides, where better to have some relaxing time than scenic North Beach, San Francisco? And we want to get together with all those friends with whom we got to talk only so briefly on Sunday. :)

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