Tuesday, June 14, 2005

The Internet is just f'in great

This afternoon, as I'm in the final stages of packing for Eritrea, I decide to get out my old camera from my childhood (I'm such a luddite) to bring with me. When I bought film it occured to me that I'd need a new battery, too. I brought in the old one to Walgreen's, but they don't sell them anymore. I went to the camera specialty shop in North Beach, and the battery the gentleman assured me was the current replacement didn't work. With a quick online search, I discovered that my camera originally took a 1.35V "625" battery, but that these were banned because of mercury content. (Apparently, batteries in that style today are 1.55V - probably what the guy at the camera store tried.) One web site recommended getting a 1.4V "675" hearing aid battery at the drug store, and making it fit in the camera with an O-ring around it and a piece of aluminum foil as a shim. I easily got the ingredients in the neighborhood and, with a bit of trial and error, it works! Woohoo!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh, *do* send a coupla missives from Asmara! How are those cappuccinos?! And just how bad was that flight?!