Saturday, March 24, 2007

J turns 0.5 years old

J had a couple new experiences today, his six-month birthday. He went into the North Beach swimming pool, continually held by L, of course. And we gave him a little bit of "solid" food. The pool he seemed a little nonplussed by, as he was already a bit tired. On the walk home, he completely conked out. The "solid" is in quotes because it was rather liquid rice cereal. He's been really eager to have some of whatever we're having for a while, but we'd been told to wait at least until he was six months old. He liked the rice cereal, but the spoon was confusing and frustrating for him. Not bad for a first try, though.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A little bird tells me that said infant devoured the later evening meal of solids. We'll see whether he has the nuanced palate of his father.