Thursday, October 12, 2006

I do not like Blue Bottle Coffee

for a couple reasons. First, they seem to focus on making an ever-so-smooth-and-subtle blend, while I seem to prefer a more idiosyncratic coffee with particular characteristics that jump out at you. Maybe I should try some of their single-origin coffees..? Except that the one time I tried their Ethiopian Yirgacheffe, it was terrible. The beans were of irregular size and misshapen. My father, who grows coffee in Kona, Hawaii, said, "It looks like our 'number three' - our trash," and the coffee had the strong flavor of artichoke stem.

The other thing I don't like is that they often don't roast their coffee as dark as I seem to prefer. This leaves a light-caramel flavor which I find a bit simple and cheap. I recently got their Bella Donovan, a Mocha-Java type blend which they call one of their darker roasts, and, because of this issue, I tried gently roasting it more in a small skillet. This improved it considerably to my taste.

Oh well, I'll just have to get to Cole Coffee in Oakland when I can. Someone recommended Sweet Maria's, also in Oakland, so maybe it bears investigation.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

With any luck, I'll soon be living near Cole Coffee, so I'll meet you there next time you go. Or I'll bring their coffee to you & L when I come to the City!