Thursday, April 07, 2005

Love those Crixa cakes!

After dinner at a friend's house recently, we had our choice of desserts left over another friend's going away party. Given the choice between a plastic-covered cheesecake or a Crixa cake, we of course both went for the Crixa cake. As we were digging in, I asked what kind it was. My friend said it was their apple cake. She went on to say that, actually, she really liked plum cakes, which (in a slightly dreamy voice) were more of a gold cake, sweet contrasted with the plums' tartness, with the gold tinged purple around the plums... I said, wait a minute, isn't this like fantasizing about someone else while you're with your partner??? Startled, she exclaimed, "I'm sorry! I love you, Crixa cake!" Which we do, really.

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