Wednesday, November 22, 2006

More on the unity of religions

I came across a pretty nice quote by Cheri Huber in SFGate's Finding My Religion column:

Through seeing the [spiritual] transformation that's possible in my life I grew to love all spiritual practices and religions.

[Question:] All of them?

Yes, because at their heart, at their core is the same desire to be one with that which animates us, that which gives us life.

This is pretty much what I have seen as well, in a vision I had in the desert at Burning Man 2003. (No, I was completely sober!) Meeting a woman who had been in the hospital for leukemia for the previous two years made me intensely aware of how incredibly fleeting life is but how lucky we are for it, and I had to ride out to the open playa to be with all that this brought up. I saw a giant sun, and there was only this giant sun, on which were little "solar flares" that instantaneously winked in and out of existence. Even though these "flares" vanished before I could mentally "turn to look at them," I knew that they were all the possible charactistics with which you might describe someone, good, bad, indifferent, in all extremes and everything in between. I saw that the whole ranges of human behavior were only manifestations of this one sun, the "source" or "reality" behind everything. At the time I thought of it as "just the fact of being alive" or "just wanting things to be better", but it is clearly the same thing to which Ms. Huber refers, the "thing" beside which there is nothing else. All religions are, and can only be, intimations of this one truth in some form or other. More mundanely, all human activity can be seen as largely inchoate grasping toward this source, trying to acquire and control it without realizing that we are it.

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