January was a bit trying as I spent most of it sick. I caught two colds in a row, presumably from our adorable little day care vector, and wound up with one of the bacterial sinus infections to which I am prone. After a course of antibiotics, I am much better.
Back on my bicycle, I have found that the new Blue Bottle cafe is a very easy detour on my ride to Caltrain in the morning. The espresso blend they for the cafe is mostly Central American and has a flavor palate of roasted nuts, brown sugar, maybe cinnamon and orange peel, and just straightforward earthy brown coffee. A little acid for my taste but delightfully complex. If only they had food before 8am.
I am disappointed but not terribly surprised that John Edwards has left the Democratic primary race. In his place, I have no idea whether to support Obama or Clinton. Out of perennial disgust for the Democrats, starting after the 2002 midterm elections, I registered Green. I had meant to re-register Democratic to be able to vote for Edwards, but now the point is sort of moot, and it doesn't really matter whether I "support Obama or Clinton". Since I'm in California, it doesn't matter who I vote for in the general election.
Work is still going along. As in many areas, every bit more I learn makes me aware of how little I know.