Wednesday, January 24, 2007

J takes to the bottle

So... a few weeks ago, my mother S arrived to spend a few months with us as L goes back to work. This has invovled a bit of re-training for everyone involved. While J was fed first from bottle and was taking it eagerly as late as early November, he apparently got a bit rusty feeding only from breast. S, of course, hasn't taken care of a baby in nearly forty years, and I'm informed that my temperament was a bit different from J's. But they both seem to be getting the hang of it. J was a bit unhappy at first without L around most of the day, but after a couple good bottle feeds today, we hope he's over the worst of it. However, J has often shown us the danger of making statements like this. Baby and mother-in-law logistics aside, L is enjoying being back at work, so I guess that part didn't involve too much re-training. And of course I'm relieved to have the help with J so I can pursue the job hunt. If I'm ever successful, that's really going to involve recalling some old habits.

And in a non-sequiter, was Jim Webb great last night or what?